
Most Popular Types of Travertine Finishes

Most Popular Types of Travertine Finishes

31 December 2020

Most Popular Types of Travertine Finishes Most popular types of travertine finishes will be defined here. Travertine is a kind of dense, banded rock which is composed of calcite or calcium carbonate, CaCO3. Formed by the evaporation of river and spring waters. It is a ...

Travertine Introduction, Etymology, Geochemistry and Colors

Travertine Introduction, Etymology, Geochemistry and Colors

30 December 2020

Introduction, Etymology, Geochemistry and Colors of Travertine Travertine has been used as a key building material throughout the ages. It is a precipitate of hot springs. Travertine pavers present soft, neutral color tones and consistent, naturally formed holes that may penetrate the tile. These holes ...

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles

30 December 2020

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles, Care and Maintenance Polished vs honed marble is a long controversial issue for many home renovators. If you are still not sure about the right marble surface for your properties, this article aims to give you some insights ...

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

30 December 2020

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble: What are Some of the Applications? What is the difference between honed vs. polished marble? Marble has been used to create elegant floors for thousands of years, and its sophisticated good looks continue to make it popular today....

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance

30 December 2020

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance Many uses of natural stone from basic to advance are to be discussed here. Nature has bestowed upon us the incredible and most exquisite gift of natural stones. These beautiful natural stones add class to any ...

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture

24 December 2020

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture Marbles are calcareous metamorphic rocks that are formed from limestone due to the action of pressure and geological processes. Marble also has a firm crystalline structure and slight porosity. Marbles are generally available in different colors due ...

Marble Classiest Material for Home Design and Interiors

Marble Classiest Material for Home Design and Interiors

24 December 2020

Marble Classiest Material for Home Design and Interiors Throughout years, marble has been known as a classic building material. There are several types of marbles, including calcites from calciferous limestones, dolomites from dolomitic limestone, serpentines typically green marbles and travertines or sedimentary limestone. Each of ...

Natural Stone Surface Caring and Maintenance

Natural Stone Surface Caring and Maintenance

20 December 2020

Natural Stone Surface Caring and Maintenance: Easy Instructions to Follow Surface caring and maintenance of natural stone is to be discussed here. Natural Stone when cared for properly, they can last well beyond your lifetime. Here is some of the items mentioned in the cleaning ...

Routine Care and Maintenance for Marble Countertops

Routine Care and Maintenance for Marble Countertops

20 December 2020

Routine Care and Maintenance for Marble Countertops, Vanity Tops, and Floors Routine care and maintenance is suggested to preserve marble beauty and durability. Because it is absorbent, marble countertops and vanities need special care. Marble can stain with spillages like liquids or oil, and is sensitive to acids ...


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