Stone definitions from different sources has been gathered here. To talk about the features of natural stones, such as marble, travertine, granite as a building material, a quick preview on different meanings and definitions of the term stone, will be beneficiary. Let’s take a look at the word stone in dictionaries and reference books and web site. website defines stone as the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist, a rock or particular piece or kind of rock, as a boulder or piece of agate, a piece of rock quarried and worked into a specific size and shape for a particular purpose: paving stone; building stone.
Merriam Webster dictionary defines stone as a piece of rock for a specified function: such as a building block, a paving block, a precious stone (called GEM), gravestone, grindstone, whetstone, a surface upon which a drawing, text, or design to be lithographed is drawn or transferred.
Cambridge Dictionary defines stone as the hard, solid substance found in the ground that is often used for building, or a piece of this: a stone wall/floor, a flight of stone steps, a primitive stone axe.
Collins Dictionary defines Stone as a hard solid substance found in the ground and often used for building houses. Learners’ dictionary also defines stone as a hard substance that comes from the ground and is used for building, carving, etc. According to Wikipedia a stone is a piece of rock. It is a mass of hard, compacted mineral. The word is often used to mean a small piece of rock.
The word “stone” also refers to natural rock as a material, especially a building material. Natural stones used as building material include granite, marble and sandstone. Manufactured, artificial products, such as concrete or clay bricks, are not stone. Stone takes a while to heat up, and stays hot for a while. It does not conduct electricity well Stone was one of the first materials used to make tools and buildings. Stone is a very sturdy material. It is less affected by weather than wood or brick. Depending on the type of rock, stone weathers away much more slowly.
According to Wikipedia, a stone in the river is reshaped by the water and sediment flowing around it. Stones can be used as primitive weapon. Besides, person can throw it at enemy or animal, or use it to make more damage in hand-to-hand combat. A stone is larger than a grain of sand, gravel or pebbles. A boulder is a large rock or stone. Britannica, looks at the word stone from a different angle.
Britannica defines Stone as the British unit of weight for dry products generally equivalent to 14 pounds avoirdupois (6.35 kg), though it varied from 4 to 32 pounds (1.814 to 14.515 kg) for various items over time. Originally any good-sized rock chosen as a local standard, the stone came to be widely used as a unit of weight in trade, its value fluctuating with the commodity and region. In the 14th century England’s exportation of raw wool to Florence necessitated a fixed standard. In 1389 a royal statute fixed the stone of wool at 14 pounds and the sack of wool at 26 stones. Trade stones of variant weights persist, such as the glass stone of 5 pounds. The stone is still commonly used in Britain to designate the weights of people and large animals.
And the WORD REFERENCE defines the term stone as a hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks are made, a piece of rock made into a specific size and shape for a particular purpose for example paving stones, a small piece of rock, such as a pebble and finally as Jewelry, that is a mineral used in jewelry and finally as a gemstone.
After defining the term stone, natural stone will be discussed. Generally speaking, Natural Stone refers to a number of products quarried from the earth, used over many thousands of years as building materials and decorative enhancements.
These products include Granite, Marble, Limestone, Travertine, Slate, Quartzite, Sandstone, Onyx, and others. Natural stone has occupied a huge share of building and construction industry. Many people love to build and rebuild their homes by marble, granite, travertine, onyx and etc to bring a sense of freshness and innovation into their lives. What about you? Do you love natural material in your home architecture or not?
Stay with us on Niayesh Stone blog. We will precede into advantages and disadvantages of natural and artificial building materials. The controversy and discussions among the fans of both sides has been very fantastic during last decade. We recommend you not to lose the upcoming passages.
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