marble processing

Introducing the Most Commonly Used Building Stones

Introducing the Most Commonly Used Building Stones

6 January 2021

Introducing the Most Commonly Used Building Stones Introducing the most commonly used building stones is the purpose of the present text. Many types of stones are available such as basalt, marble, limestone, sandstone, quartzite, travertine, slate, gneiss, laterite, and granite, which can be used as ...

Different Types of Stone Finishes 

Different Types of Stone Finishes 

5 January 2021

    Different Types of Stone Finishes  Different types of stone finishes are to be reviewed here. Finishing is a manufacturing process whose purpose is to obtain a surface with adequate characteristics for the particular application of the product being manufactured. This includes but is ...

Marble Slab Processing and Polishing Variations

Marble Slab Processing and Polishing Variations

3 January 2021

Marble Slab Processing and Polishing Variations Slab processing and polishing variations are the coral intention of this passage. Marble blocks are saw cut into slabs. Small marble blocks will be processed by simple disc saws to produce marble slabs. Medium and large marble blocks will ...

Marble Finishing Techniques

Marble Finishing Techniques

3 January 2021

Marble Finishing Techniques: Polished, Honed, Antique, Flamed, Chiselled, Bush Hammered,  Tumbled, Natural Split, Diamond Swan, Sandblasted Marble finishing techniques will be explained in the following passage. Although it is a naturally occurring stone, marble is a soft substance with a surface that is easily worn ...

Marble Mining and Slab Processing

Marble Mining and Slab Processing

3 January 2021

  Marble Mining and Slab Processing Marble mining and slab processing are essential procedures well-known in stone industry. The mining, processing and use of natural stone, particularly marble, is a mammoth modern day industrial enterprise. The demand for marble and its different forms is exemplified ...

Uses of Marble

Uses of Marble

3 January 2021

  Uses of Marble and How it Makes the Place Look Trendy and Timeless Uses of marble is to be discussed here. As mentioned in previous papers, the word marble derives from the Ancient Greek mármaros, crystalline rock, and shining stone. Marble is a granular ...

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

30 December 2020

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble: What are Some of the Applications? What is the difference between honed vs. polished marble? Marble has been used to create elegant floors for thousands of years, and its sophisticated good looks continue to make it popular today....


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