marble walls

Marble Facts to Consider before Remodeling Bathroom

Marble Facts to Consider before Remodeling Bathroom

6 April 2021

  Marble Facts to Consider before Remodeling Bathroom Marble Facts to consider before remodeling bathroom are to be discussed here. If you are a marble lover, you may find this very interesting.  To start with, let’s say, classic and elegant, marble is always a good choice ...

Comparing Marble with Dolomitic Marble, Quartz and Limestone

Comparing Marble with Dolomitic Marble, Quartz and Limestone

13 January 2021

Comparing Marble with Dolomitic Marble, Quartz and Limestone In this passage, we will have a short preview on comparing marble with dolomitic marble, quartz and limestone. Before beginning, let’s have a short review on marble formation.   Marble Metamorphic Rock Marble is a metamorphic rock. Metamorphic ...

Most Popular Uses of Marble in Home Design

Most Popular Uses of Marble in Home Design

3 January 2021

  Most Popular Uses of Marble in Home Design: Marble Formation and Recrystallization Most popular uses of marble in home design will be introduced here. Marble is a rock widely used in buildings, monuments, and sculptures. It consists chiefly of calcite or dolomite, or a ...

Uses of Marble

Uses of Marble

3 January 2021

  Uses of Marble and How it Makes the Place Look Trendy and Timeless Uses of marble is to be discussed here. As mentioned in previous papers, the word marble derives from the Ancient Greek mármaros, crystalline rock, and shining stone. Marble is a granular ...

Marble and Granite Some Popular Types of Natural Stone

Marble and Granite Some Popular Types of Natural Stone

2 January 2021

  Marble and Granite Some Popular Types of Natural Stone Natural stone is a creation of nature. Like so many natural formations, every piece is unique and matchless. Within each piece of stone also lies the history of one particular place on our planet. Today’s ...

Travertine and Marble Cons and Pros

Travertine and Marble Cons and Pros

31 December 2020

Marble and Travertine Cons and Pros: Which One You Should Choose? Travertine is the member of the limestone rock family which is usually formed in caves and around hot springs. It has a porous structure, but these pores are filled for indoor use. This stone ...

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles

30 December 2020

Polished vs. Honed Marble Characteristics and Styles, Care and Maintenance Polished vs honed marble is a long controversial issue for many home renovators. If you are still not sure about the right marble surface for your properties, this article aims to give you some insights ...

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble

30 December 2020

Shine Feature in Honed vs. Polished Marble: What are Some of the Applications? What is the difference between honed vs. polished marble? Marble has been used to create elegant floors for thousands of years, and its sophisticated good looks continue to make it popular today....

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance

30 December 2020

Many Uses of Natural Marble: From Basic to Advance Many uses of natural stone from basic to advance are to be discussed here. Nature has bestowed upon us the incredible and most exquisite gift of natural stones. These beautiful natural stones add class to any ...

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture

24 December 2020

Marble Properties and Uses in Architecture and Sculpture Marbles are calcareous metamorphic rocks that are formed from limestone due to the action of pressure and geological processes. Marble also has a firm crystalline structure and slight porosity. Marbles are generally available in different colors due ...


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