Rates of water absorption are one of the most important measurement of natural stones. Water absorption measures show how much moisture a specific type of stone is likely to absorb on an ongoing basis. Some types of tile may crack if the moisture penetration is too high. In general if the tile has a low water absorption, like porcelain, the durability and strength are higher.
Water absorption is a measure of the porosity of a stone and can be an indicator of its susceptibility to damage during freezing. A stone that has greater water absorption will also tend to absorb liquid stains more readily. In general, the lowest water absorption is desired.
Water absorption is expressed as the percent weight change due to absorbed water. The maximum allowable water absorption for each type of stone is prescribed in the standard specifications for that specific stone. Required values range from 0.20% for marble to 12% for low-density limestone. According to ASTM C97, at least 3 specimens, as described for the density determination, are dried and weighed.
It is important that the surface not be fractured by the cutting process because these fractures will increase water absorption. The specimens are then soaked in water for 48 hours, wiped dry, and weighed again. The difference in weights is divided by the dry weight and multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of water absorption.
Variations in the wiping of the wet specimen before weighing will cause variations in the result. The standard test method describes removing the specimens from the water and surface drying with a damp cloth, but this is still somewhat subjective. A dryer wet specimen will result in a lower absorption number.
In simple terms, water absorption concept refers to the degree to which a material is porous, with the more absorbent being more susceptible to staining and cracking damage. This rating is divided into different categories that allow you to differentiate between them. These categories include Non-vitreous, Semi-vitreous, Vitreous, and Impervious.
Non-vitreous classification has the highest absorption levels and should not be installed in damp environments. Sandstone is, perhaps, the most porous of the natural stones.
Semi-vitreous category while not as porous as non-vitreous tiles, they will still require maintenance the more they’re exposed to liquids. An example is slate.
Vitreous category refers to natural stone tiles that can be used for many low to mid traffic applications, as they are not as porous, such as travertine and limestone.
Natural stone that is impervious to liquids will be easy to maintain and is typically chosen for high-traffic commercial uses, like granite, which is relatively waterproof.
Low water absorption restricts the amount of water that may cause failure by cyclic salt attack and freeze that. The water absorption percentage reflects the density of the tile body. Water absorption is also directly related to the suitability for interior or exterior applications. For exterior applications, the selected stones should have a low water absorption rate, especially in climates subjected to heavy rainfall and freezing and thawing cycles. A low water absorption rate also enables a tile to resist food or beverage stains.
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Stone Testing An excerpt from the Dimension Stone Design Manual, Version VIII (May 2016), Produced and Published by the Marble Institute of America 380 East Lorain St. Oberlin, Ohio 44074
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